Situated on Wimborne Road, Homeoaks House is an Over 55s block which is very accessible on main bus routes and roads allowing easy access around Bournemouth.
The apartment is on the second floor and is accessed either via stairs or lift, and has recently had a new kitchen, bathroom carpets and has been redecorated.
The lounge has a small separate kitchen at the rear with appliances (including slimline dishwasher), the bedroom has built in wardrobes. There is a modern bathroom, with rainmaker shower and bath. There is also separate storage in the hallway.
The block benefits from residents lounge, communal laundry facilities (at no extra cost), communal gardens, and water rates included within the rent. There is also first come, first served parking available for residents.
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Terms and fees apply
The asking rent does not include letting fees. Depending on your circumstances and the property you select, we may also apply the following upfront fees:
General administration fees
Reference fees (including credit checks, bank, guarantor, previous landlord, etc)
Application fees
Fees for drawing up tenancy agreement
Inventory fees, including check-in and check-out fees
Guarantor arrangement/application fees
Additional occupant fees
Pets disclaimer fees/additional pet deposit
Fees may be charged on a per property or per tenancy basis.